Monday, April 23, 2007

What are your expectations South Fulton?

Let's discuss South Fulton expectations over the next couple of months?

Are you for a new city? Are you for annexation? Do you want to remain unincorporated?

Talk about here.


James said...

What is your position on the future of South Fulton? I've told folks for a long time that I want to left alone. Will that happen? We see on June 19.

Unknown said...

What seems to escape pro city of South Fulton folks is the vast majority of folks in unincorporated South Fulton moved to unincorporated Fulton County intentionally.

We did not want to be part of a city. If we wanted to live in a city we would have moved to one. We certainly don't plan to be because Roger Bruce and a few other politicos decided that "You People" need to incorporate into a new city too.

Just like white folks fled Atlanta, and now suffer the nightmares of 2 hour commutes, and are moving back; they will realize that forming a new city isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Of course we like lemmings will follow them off of the cityhood cliff.

Pro-cityhood preachers think we're stupid as a few pontificate on the so called benefits of cityhood – really just for what they will get out of it and put Vote Yes signs all over as if that is a compelling argument.

In reality very few residents in South Fulton really want a city and those that do, can't tell you how yet another layer of government will make things better. All they can do is recite the talking points like puppets, but they cannot participate in intelligent dialogue with anyone who differs.

I keep hearing about this study that is supposed to prove that a city of South Fulton will work without big tax increases. What I don't understand is if it supposedly proves a new city will survive, why is it so hard to get a copy of it? We all know Andre would have it on page one IF it existed!

I think it is more smoke and mirrors. They recycle the same tired phrases because they lack the EVIDENCE that their quest would be successful.

The important thing is that whenever we have the vote, the silent majority who wants to stay unincorporated just needs to come out and vote, and send these would-be power brokers packing.

South Fulton Guy said...

Fear is the tactic the organizations in favor of a new South Fulton City use to persuade the uninformed when they do not have a compelling argument.

In response to them whether or not the legislature prevails in splitting or destroying Fulton County IS NOT a legitimate reason or excuse to form a new city.

Human nature is to learn through imitative thought - not analysis. If someone tells a lie often enough, many will believe it as though it is true. To date no one has demonstrated that a City of South Fulton will fly without HUGE Tax increases.

This is why it is important for people to take the time to do the analysis and think about the consequences instead of letting Andre doing it for us. The fact is we continue to hear about the problems that the new cities in North Fulton have almost every other day.

In today's paper we read how the struggling Milton County in its haste to organize has forfeited nearly $1 Million in tax revenue: "The loss of the taxes would equal 7 percent of the city's $12.6 million budget, a huge hit for a new city struggling to get on its feet."

Concluding we must incorporate because of potential legislative action is like cutting off our foot because we may step on a nail and get it infected.

Think for yourselves folks; all is not what it seems.


James said...

Remaining unincorporated is my only option. I happen to live in what I term as "no man's land". Its too far from all the cities to be annexed which is worse than creating a new city.

Folks need to become informed on the issues. I will say that the township legislation (which failed)would have been a great alternative to forming a new city. Having control over zoning and growth is what most folks seek.

South Fulton Guy said...

It’s really reassuring that the Keystone Kops of South Fulton Concerned Citizens are planning the city of South Fulton on our behalf.

Who anointed them as our city planners? Did I miss a vote?

What are they planning besides their campaigns to run for elected office in the new city?

When are they planning to share their plans and assumptions their flawed study was based on?

Chattahoochee Hills planned everything out front and in the open. You can find it all on their website. There was unity of vision and purpose and no lack of leadership. Anyone looking would be confident that they will succeed.

By contrast South Fulton Concerned Citizens plans without any dissenters invited. They see those that do not want to participate in this municipal experiment as the opposition.

They stopped publishing their meeting minutes on their website in March of this year to hide the disruption, division and disorganization that took place in their meetings and the fact that there were typically fewer than a dozen attendees.

They plant unsolicited signs on private property or deserted lots in the public right of way in the dark of night because that’s how they operate. The public slogan masters just repeat the same silly arguments, devoid of any substance or depth.

They wave a marginal financial study at you quickly saying here’s the proof as though even if true that finances are the only challenge and now it’s a slam dunk we’ll succeed. But they cannot manage their own money.

They spent money they did not have on failed lawsuits to overturn the legal constitutional choices that 60+ percent of the property owners and voters made to join existing cities instead of starting one from scratch. Then they have yard or bake sales to try and pay the lawyers.

Then they commissioned a study and could not pay for it. Yes these are the people we want to manage our tax dollars and lead us.

Oh yeah I am really persuaded that SFCC is planning something - the question is what and for whom.

If you want to turn the quality of life that you chose in an unincorporated area over to this bunch of deceivers beware. The nightmare of high taxes and sorry services has not yet begun!!!

Unknown said...

South Fulton County Community Alert

New Cities = Higher Taxes

Our small commercial tax base means the huge tax bill is paid mostly by homeowners.

What is happening in other new cities in Fulton County?


It was going to be so great — a new city forged under a unified banner….Lower taxes. Better services… The ink on the city charter had barely dried before the bickering began. "There came a time when we began to feel a little embarrassed to live in the city of Milton" - Bob Moheb Planning Commissioner ajc 8/6/07


Weeks after the Milton City Manger quit after coming under fire over a $900,000 loss of tax revenue, the director of finance and operations quits her $120,000 job to join the company Milton outsourced their municipal services to. ajc 8/24/07


Council opts for lower tax rate giving up $360,000 though based on their needs city taxes should be raised ajc 07/06/07


“I was driving down Roswell Road, and I felt like we were back under Fulton County control,” [Ashley Jenkins, Sandy Springs Councilmember] said. “There was graffiti on everything, there were signs everywhere with balloons on the signs, there were dancing bears advertising free rent in front of apartment complexes, and I went nuts.


City only has $30,000 until Sept and must first hire police and fire chiefs. Though they bought fire stations from Fulton County for $5,000 each, “they will vote on a $10 million lease purchase plan for fire engines, police cars, and equipment,”. The task force envisioned starting the fire department for $12.5 million, but the “money just isn’t there” ajc 06/07/07


In Sandy Springs, Mayor Eva Galambos and City Manager John McDonough acknowledge the complaints but say the city is going through an evolution.- ajc 4/24/07


“It shows that if Johns Creek furnishes the same level of services as Roswell, they run a deficit,” [Roswell Mayor, Jere] Wood said. “It’s only a small deficit, but going from a surplus to a deficit is like going from black to white.”


Although Milton shows a healthy revenue surplus compared with selected cities in metro Atlanta, if it provides a basic level for services, the study found, it cannot offer the same level of service that Fulton County has offered. It would take a significant tax increase. - Carl Vinson Institute, University of Georgia


The net result is that residents of Johns Creek and Milton feel like they have been newly taxed as a result of becoming municipalities. To residents paying the fees so it doesn’t matter what you call them...It is just that residents didn’t realize that until they saw the increase on their utility bill. - Source -

Say NO to Higher Taxes and Reduced Services


South Fulton Guy said...

The tactics that South Fulton Concerned Citizens use shows you that they will do anything necessary to try and create a new city.

That includes littering our landscape with their signs more often than not in vacant lots or without the permission of the landowners or subdivisions.

The fact that they had to resort to crossing out the original June 19 election date with a magic marker and scribble in September 18, shows that no one is supporting their cause financially.

The few idealistic members of this organization with any measure of integrity abandoned the cause long ago. Those that remain just recite the same lies over and over again that unfortunately some believe them.

Their disunity and incompetence shows that they are not capable of planing for the new city and sadly compared to the other cities they've planned virtually nothing.

Because of this word is the city management company CH2m Hill is not interested in managing the City of South Fulton because there is no cohesive vision and the leaders struggle solely to create the city as their creditors line up to sue them for nonpayment of their campaign debts.

If this is how they run a campaign, do you really want them to run your city? For those who did not know the cast of SFCC characters, here's a link to their roster.

If heaven forbid they prevail out of our complacence in turning out to vote against the City of South Fulton, it is important to know who's responsible for the mess, so they aren't rewarded for destroying South Fulton.

Andre Walker is the leader of their campaign arm the "Citizens for the City of South Fulton", he's another would-be politician for the city operating in the by any means necessary mode as indicating by stealing intellectual property from and ignoring requests to make it right.


South Fulton Guy said...

It’s really reassuring that the Keystone Kops of South Fulton Concerned Citizens are planning the city of South Fulton on our behalf.

Unable to garner community support and campaign contributions from residents, the cityhood campaign is being financed entirely by SFCC Steering Committee leaders through personal contributions and loans.

Read it for yourself:


Who anointed them as our city planners? Did I miss a vote?

What are they planning besides their campaigns to run for elected office in the new city?

When are they planning to share their plans and assumptions their flawed study was based on?

Chattahoochee Hills planned everything out front and in the open. You can find it all on their website. There was unity of vision and purpose and no lack of leadership. Anyone looking would be confident that they will succeed.

By contrast South Fulton Concerned Citizens plans without any dissenters invited. They see those that do not want to participate in this municipal experiment as the opposition.

They stopped publishing their meeting minutes on their website in March of this year to hide the disruption, division and disorganization that took place in their meetings and the fact that there were typically fewer than a dozen attendees.

They plant unsolicited signs on private property or deserted lots in the public right of way in the dark of night because that’s how they operate. The public slogan masters just repeat the same silly arguments, devoid of any substance or depth.

They wave a marginal financial study at you quickly saying here’s the proof as though even if true that finances are the only challenge and now it’s a slam dunk we’ll succeed. But they cannot manage their own money.

They spent money they did not have on failed lawsuits to overturn the legal constitutional choices that 60+ percent of the property owners and voters made to join existing cities instead of starting one from scratch. Then they have yard or bake sales to try and pay the lawyers.

Then they commissioned a study and could not pay for it. Yes these are the people we want to manage our tax dollars and lead us.

Oh yeah I am really persuaded that SFCC is planning something - the question is what and for whom.

If you want to turn the quality of life that you chose in an unincorporated area over to this bunch of deceivers beware. The nightmare of high taxes and sorry services has not yet begun!!!


Anonymous said...

Confused about the big South Fulton vote Tuesday?

Yes on Tuesday September 18th there will be a crucial special election that will impact you and your South Fulton lifestyle. Unfortunately some residents are still confused about what they are voting on regarding this momentous decision.

Though the legalese words you’ll see aren’t real clear, the question it is asking is do you want to form a new city called South Fulton, GA - Yes or NO? If you want to remain unincorporated as you are now, and don’t want to create a new city make sure you come out and simply VOTE NO